By now everbody knows about the artest vs ben wallace fight, and how artest went on to beat a fan, the wrong one, because he was thrown a cup of beer or whatever.
What nobody knows is that Ron Artest is now dead. Yep. Ben Wallace killed him.
You see, as stupid Artest ran to the locker room with his tail between his legs, Wallace's anger grew bigger and bigger, he knew he had to control himself because he would be arrested if he beat the shit out of Artest on national TV. So, after both teams go to their locker rooms, Wallace knocks on the pacers room and asks for Artest because he "wants to apologize". Artest goes out with a sarcastic grin waiting for Ben's apology, but Master Wallace just tells him that they should talk somewhere more private.
What master wallace didn't know is that Artest was carrying a hidden tape recorder because he wanted to use master wallace's apology in his upcoming rap shit.
So artest agrees and as they are walking to darker places in Auburn Hills Artest stops and tells wallace still smirking "So... I'm all ears, what do you have to tell me?"
"Well, just this" Wallace says as his fist flies towards his face.
Artest recieves the full impact and is barely knocked out, he tries to run like a pussy but Wallace, being bigger, meaner, and faster than artest takes no time in catching up.
So Wallace grabs his head and bangs it against the wall as he screams into Artest's ear:
"You son of a bitch, you never hit fans"
Artest pees into his shorts, shortly thereafter he expires.
Wallace, wiping off Artest's brains with his towel leaves the stadium. Little did he know about the recorder.
But then I come to the rescue, I knew what was on Artest's mind, so I get the tape recorder, and I save Wallace from a murder trail. Well, I hope the police don't read this.