Man, I hate the Shaq, if I ever saw him in person I'd punch him in the kidneys. That's why I was so pleased to find this interview where he says:
Shaq: Actually I've had many defeats in my NBA career but this one hurt the worst. It even hurt worse than us losing to Detroit in the Finals when I was with the Lakers. I'm hurt. I'm upset. I'm devastated. 'Cause it's another one, it's another great opportunity that slipped away for me, an opportunity that slipped away for the city. I'm devastated and it's something I'm gonna have to live with, but it's only gonna make me stronger.
Yeah, it's gonna make you stronger shaq, but stronger at accepting defeat at the hands of Master Wallace!
Oh, I'm such a pussy, I can't accept I'm old and fat and that Ben Wallace is like a hundred times better than I am, boooo boooo.
Posted by Mark at June 20, 2005 04:44 PMfINALLY SOMETHING WE AGREE ON. BUT WAIT HAMILTONS A CRY BABY TOO! Humm..... Ben Wallace Sucks